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When over 75% of all online users are on social media, your small-to-medium sized business can choose to utilize media marketing tactics for your advantage or simply slip through the crack and miss
We’ve been hearing about the cloud for years, decades even. The first cloud computing concepts first arose back in the 1950s, when academics and workers in large corporations realized how useful acc
If you’ve been to the grocery store, you’re familiar with 1D barcodes: They’re the pattern of vertical bars and spaces that represent a numerical code, which in turn corresponds to a file in the sto
As a small business owner, you’re going to be on the move. You’re likely helping with outside sales, traveling to trade shows to network, or visiting your other locations. So how do you keep on top of
Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) are benchmarks that help identify growth areas within your business. In other words, they’re basically the gages that tell you how your operations are functioning.
A place of education is responsible for providing students with the lessons they need in order to learn and improve academic intelligence. A place of education, just like any other organisation, is
Customers of all types look forward to seasonal clearances. Why wouldn't they? The drastic markdowns save them a lot of money. In fact, I walked into my local dollar store and noticed it still had
It’s been years since Amazon first publicly floated the idea of using drones to deliver orders to the homes of their customers. We’re likely still years away from drone delivery as common practice.
Remember that time when the tornado sirens were blaring and you didn’t take cover? Why was that? Did you think the odds were in your favor and it wouldn’t happen to you? Hopefully, you were right
One of the biggest buzzwords in all of business is efficiency. How can we as individuals work more efficiently? How can the systems and tools we rely at the office help us work more efficiently? How
The type of manager at Apple won’t necessarily lead their team in the same manor as a manager at McDonald’s. However, in order for both of them to become celebrated managers, there are specific quali
Small businesses are known for the hometown feel and personal experience. That is very important to building relationships and a loyal customer base. To keep up with larger competitors, creating an
They say that when the going gets tough, the tough get going. That’s an idiom that small and medium-sized business are going to have to take to heart if they want to keep doing business with massive
As sunlight streams through the stained glass windows, the wedding march sounds from the organ loft on this perfect day. It’s THE day. Family and friends fill the church pews; they stand in unison a
Lots of businesses face unique challenges during the heat of the summer season. Some need to ramp up production to face increasing demand; others need to find new avenues for profit as the customer
In the United Kingdom, 59% of consumers who use smartphones are not downloading retail apps since the apps don’t align with the in-store and website shopping experience. As stated in a Forbes articl
You’ve probably heard the buzz phrase “big data” tossed around quite often in business circles. So much that perhaps you’ve kind of tuned it out. You likely have some sort of tracking systems in pla
The extraordinary growth of online shopping has presented unique challenges for today’s distribution centers. As the average customer demands a seamless experience from your business, from their sma
In 2015, Target took a $5.4 billion writedown as it closed 124 stores in a failed bid to enter the Canadian market. This lead to a C-Level shuffle to try and get out of the slump. Even after the cl
As any good business knows, the task of filling a job opening involves more than just hiring a candidate and slotting them into the company framework. The hiring process is just the first step; the
As consumers, we rarely think about barcodes as anything more than the series of lines and spaces on the items we bring to the checkout counter. At most, perhaps we note how much quicker and more ef
Inventory managers have an overall goal to ensure that their warehouse operations are flowing efficiently with individual items in and out of existing inventory. More specifically, you want to contr
Successful businesses are the product of customer and employee satisfaction. There are many other factors that determine an organisation’s overall success and even specific reasons as to why small b
The 500 Days of May The Indianapolis 500 is one of America’s biggest sporting events, and this day of racing reckoning is important not just to racing fans, but to drivers, pit crews, vendors and eve
Needless to say, a bowling alley that doesn’t have enough bowling balls or shoes to go around each night won’t have many repeat customers. Yet when people visit an entertainment venue for an evening
Oreck failed to grow with changing consumer trends which allowed competitors to earn a large share of the market. The Oreck family lost more than their family business in the summer of 2013 when th
Businesses, organizations and institutions across a myriad of industries, from warehousing to medicine to local government offices, have begun to embrace the versatility and reliability of barcode l
Sometimes 24 hours just isn’t enough time to accomplish everything we set out to do in the day. Subtract the 16 hours set aside for sleeping, eating, resting, etc. and you’re left with the standard
As a small business owner, it’s all too easy to look at your larger counterparts and wonder how you can possibly compete. Whatever industry you are in, don’t be discouraged by the deep pockets of th
When people think of an organized warehouse, they likely imagine rows and rows of meticulously managed shelves, featuring groupings of similar items in alphabetical or price order. Yet thanks to an